
Rokita threatens to sue if HR1 voting reform bill becomes law

By US House of Reps ([1]) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita has informed ranking members of Congress that he intends to take the federal government to court if the For The People Act, more commonly known as “HR1”, gets through Congress and is signed into law by the president.

He sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, House Minority leader Kevin McCarthy, Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer, and Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell informing them of his intentions.

Rokita said the bill, which would reform certain aspects of the election process, is unconstitutional.

“It doesn’t protect Americans’ votes,” he said. “It’s designed to put a thumb on the scale of every election in America. We have got to stop this. They’re (congressional Democrats) trying to codify, basically, all the processes and things that we saw last fall.”

Rokita is among the camp of Republicans that believe there was widespread election fraud during the 2020 election. He along with 18 other attorneys general from around the US who have signed on to his letter to Congress, accuse Democrats of trying to consolidate too much power in the federal government.

“The constitution is very clear that the states are in charge of the election processes, and that’s why it’s unconstitutional,” Rokita said.

Among the other stipulations that Rokita has a problem with in the bill, is that it would essentially render any voter ID laws in each state null and void.

“When I was Indiana Secretary of State, we implemented the nation’s first photo ID law,” he said. “It was so well done, that the Supreme Court said ‘yes, that’s fine’ and now 31 states have modeled themselves after that law. This proposal, this HR1, eviscerates photo ID.”

He added that the bill also stiffens penalties for cleaning out voter rolls in each state, which is already against the rules, but Rokita said states should be allowed to do that in the event people move away from said state or die.

Rokita said that under HR1 it would require everyone on a state’s voter roll would receive a ballot, meaning that a person no longer living in that state or even a dead person would be getting a ballot. He says that opens the door wide open for election fraud.

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Charles U Farley March 8, 2021 at 11:06 am

The election fraud in 2020 was so nonexistent that the first thing the Democrats did was to codify it into Federal law.

This is in addition to the piles of evidence, hundreds of affiants, and new stories still turning up like the shredded 2020 ballots found in a dumpster in AZ (followed by a mysterious fire at a barn where they may have been stored and shredded). Move along folks, nothing to see here!

How anyone can deny that the 2020 election was flat out stolen is beyond me.

Steve March 8, 2021 at 7:27 pm

I totally agree. Changing voting laws, bringing more illegals into the country, stimulus checks to illegals. It is all sickening.

Thor March 8, 2021 at 11:27 am

Joe Bidens ‘election’ was as valid as those ‘won’ by Joe Stalin.

Good on Rokita for stepping out on this issue.

Slacker06 March 8, 2021 at 1:51 pm

Todd Rokita, and his fellow State AGs could sue Dopey King Joe the Moronic every hour of every day. DKJtM is a tyrant far removed from the standards or our Republic. The sad thing is We The People will pay for both sides of all these coming law suits.

Shoppy March 8, 2021 at 8:22 pm

I know no English I cross the border to bring in covid and other diseases and my friend from overseas he want to destroy America like he did at 911 .
Thank you Joe and Nancy for open the boarders and letting me vote and giving me money too .
Dumb Americans .
Trump 2424 🇺🇸
Hang in there Todd Fight to the end for America and Indiana


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