
Senator Joe Donnelly calls for no-fly list gun sales ban

(Photo Supplied/U.S. Senate)

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — U.S. Sen. Joe Donnelly says Congress should pass gun control legislation preventing felons, people with mental illness and those on the government no-fly list from purchasing firearms.

The Indiana Democrat has been a strong supporter of gun rights while in Congress and has previously been endorsed by the National Rifle Association. But Donnelly said Monday that he also believes in “common sense.”

Donnelly says he recently voted for four different gun control measures proposed in Congress in the wake of the deadly Orlando nightclub attack.

Those efforts foundered in the House after Republicans opted against calling them for a vote.

Donnelly noted that public opinion polls suggest a majority of Indiana residents support similar gun control proposals.

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Brice June 28, 2016 at 7:57 am

When the good citizens are able to find out why, and how they are put on a “no fly list”, and petition our government to be taken off said list if were not guilty of any wrong doing, then I am for not being able to buy a weapon if your name is on the no fly list. If your a felon, you can not buy a weapon legally through any gun store or gun show.

Stocks June 29, 2016 at 12:27 pm

What other civil rights can be taken away by a nameless, faceless bureaucrat? What about the 1st amendment? Should it be OK to put people on a list and then have to petition the government to attend church?

What other civil right can be taken from you in secret and then require you to get it back, costing you thousands and thousands of dollars to get it back?

No one wants terrorists to be able to buy guns but there must be due process.

Joe must not care about that kind of thing.


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