
Michigan’s “lame duck” session begins as exiting lawmakers make final decisions

LANSING, Mich. (AP) — The Michigan Legislature‘s “lame-duck” session is kicking into gear.

Lawmakers are taking up long-debated energy legislation Thursday and also bills governing driverless cars. House Republicans will also elect a new speaker because Kevin Cotter is leaving the Legislature under term limits.

Two days after the election, the Republican-led Senate is expected to vote on an update to 2008 energy laws. The business community is at odds over provisions related to a law that lets some companies and schools buy power from competitors to utilities DTE and Consumers Energy.

The House plans to pass bills no longer requiring that someone be inside a self-driving car while testing it on public roads. Backers say the measures would keep the U.S. auto industry’s home state ahead of the curve on rapidly advancing technology.

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