
East Bank housing and grocery store project clears South Bend council

(Photo supplied/Dave Matthews, Matthew LLC)

It’s been a rocky road to get to this point, but developer Dave Matthews finally has the thumbs-up from the South Bend Common Council.

The developer’s plan to build an apartment high-rise and a Martin’s supermarket in the East Bank area passed by a 8-1 vote by the council Monday night. Democratic 4th District Councilwoman Jo Broden cast the lone no vote, according to the South Bend Tribune.

Matthews and the council agreed last week to shrink the high rise project to nine floors instead of the initial 12 stories. The initial proposal caused consternation in the community because it went against the East Bank Master Plan.

The vote was also 8-1 in favor of a 10-year property tax abatement for the projected $35 million project, with Broden once again casting the lone dissenting vote.

Now, the project needs to pass the Area Board of Zoning Appeals. The city will ask the board, along with Matthews himself, to approve the variance allowing the nine-story building in a zone where the limit is supposed to be six stories. The matter will be brought up on Feb 1., but public input could push final approval into the late spring or early summer.

The project faces a June deadline to utilize $5 million in Regional Cities funding.

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