The state Republican Party is reaching out to minorities. The party is trying to recruit members who align with conservative values, and for the first time has a “diversity and engagement” director.
“What I’m finding when I’m reaching out to different communities is that the people who identify with conservative values all have these tremendous stories, stories of adversity and overcoming and pushing through, stories of perseverance,” said director Whitley Yates.
Yates, talking to IndyPolitics, said that she is seeking to talk with minorities in every community, whether urban or rural.
“A lot of times we see that they aren’t as included as they would like.”
State Republican Party Chairman Kyle Hupfer, said that anyone whose views align with the party is welcome, and characterized the party as “big and welcoming”. But, he acknowledged that some people in minority communities may be reluctant, even if their views align.
“In certain communities there’s a real negative connotation to identifying as a Republican and being vocal about it. So, we hope this’ll perhaps have some impact on this,” he said.
Hupfer said the goal in recruiting diverse people is to have “multipliers”, people who go back to their communities and tell others about their membership.
“If you’re Black. If you’re Hispanic, you can look and say, I know individuals who look like me that are active and involved in the Republican party,” he said.
When asked about the recent effective ouster of Cutis Hill as the candidate for Indiana attorney general, Hupfer said people should understand it had nothing to do with race. Hill is Black and Todd Rokita, who will in his stead be running as the Republican candidate, is white.
“I think it’s pretty clear to anybody who’s been following it, the issues with the current attorney general had nothing to do with race, and were comnpletely tied to actions he’d been involved with.”
Hill is accused of groping four women and was asked to resign by many prominent members of the party.