Federal officials have told Indiana to expect 55,000 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine developed by Pfizer by the end of next week. Hospital and nursing home staff will get the vaccine first — not just doctors and nurses, but anyone who’s in contact with patients. But that first shipment is only enough for one of every seven of them, and even they won’t be immune till they get a followup shot three weeks later.
State health department chief medical officer Lindsay Weaver says five hospitals, in Indy, Fort Wayne, Evansville, Munster and Jeffersonville, will be the first to receive the vaccine, because they have the necessary ultracold storage. 45 more hospitals will be added by the end of next week. Weaver says Indiana will make sure it uses every single dose — hospitals have been instructed to have a waiting list of people ready to jump in if someone doesn’t show up.
Weaver says Indiana won’t finish vaccinating health care workers until sometime in January. A state advisory board will decide who’s next in line. There’s been discussion of essential workers or people at high-risk. But it’s a moot point until the state has more vaccine. Weaver says the state will receive additional shipments every week, but hasn’t gotten any guidance on how much or when. It depends on the speed of production, and how soon the F-D-A approves additional vaccines besides the one from Pfizer.
State health commissioner Kristina Box says it’ll be at least June before the vaccination program reaches everyone.
Weaver says there’s no reason to be concerned about the vaccine’s safety. She emphasizes the vaccines under consideration don’t use live virus, but instead prompt the body’s immune system to recognize COVID-19 and defend against it.
I’m glad we FINALLY have a vaccine for a virus that has a 0.03%(Per the CDC) chance of killing me.
Hard pass, thanks!
After doing a little research on this medical marvel, I wouldn’t let them inject my dog with it.
I get the flu vaccine every year, but this is NOT a traditional vaccine. It is best described as an enforced mutation.
[…] COVID-19 vaccine expected in Indiana by end of next week […]
Good Grief ! Thank God Trump signed an ex order saying that they cant make a person take any shots!!!!! Dr. “B” doesnt know near enough about the truth of covid so why in the hell would anyone listen to anything she yaks about the vacs. Watch pretty soon Holcomb will be yaking about the vacs too. Really gonna trust a RINO. Sure hope these next 4 long years go by fast.