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Representatives from CDC are coming back to Michiana

(Photo supplied/Centers For Disease Control and Prevention)

Representatives from the Centers for Disease Control are coming back to Michiana. Not because of a spike in COVID cases, but rather to investigate why the vaccination rate is so low.

In Elkhart County, just over 31% of residents who are 12 or older are fully vaccinated. Statewide, the figure is above 40%.

LaGrange County is rock-bottom in Indiana; just 20% of the population is fully vaccinated.

With that, the C-D-C is investigating in Elkhart, LaGrange, Noble and Kosciusko counties, to take a look at why the vaccine uptake isn’t higher.

The Elkhart Truth reports the C-D-C visited Elkhart County in July to figure out what was causing the area to be a hotspot for COVID-19.

A date has yet to be set for the new visit, but that it is supposed to happen soon.

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Slacker06 May 21, 2021 at 9:53 am

The CDC representatives should go ask the Schizophrenic Darth Fauci, Let the Farce be With you why Hoosiers and many others are ignoring his hurricane of contradictory information. Ask him why he ignores all those real doctors and researchers that found masks are ineffective and that having COVID and recovering is just as effective, maybe more so, than the experimental Fauci vaccine.

I now have natural immunity. I though saving the natural system was the goal.

Slacker06 May 21, 2021 at 9:55 am

My wife recently spent tine in the Hospital due to COVID. The people working there will not get the vaccine. They are so confused by Darth Fauci’s, Let the farce be with you, confusing advice they really do not know what to do for a COVID patient.

Not to mention the dictatorial edicts from local and state so called leaders. You know, those people who took an oath to protect and defend the US Constitution that guarantees you LIBERTY.

Charles U Farley May 24, 2021 at 11:34 am

I can save the CDC stooges a trip: nobody trusts you or your vaccine, and they certainly don’t trust the talking heads who are pushing the vaccine. Derp.


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