Congresswoman Liz Cheney will speak at Notre Dame later this month.
Cheney, who serves as Wyoming’s lone Representative in The US House, will deliver a lecture at the University on October 14.
Her address is titled “Saving Democracy by Revering the Constitution” and will take place at 2:30 p.m. in Washington Hall. The event is open to Notre Dame, Holy Cross and Saint Mary’s students, faculty, staff and alumni.
The talk will be livestreamed on the Center for Citizenship and Constitutional Government’s YouTube channel.
Additional information about the lecture can be found at
“Saving Democracy by Revering the Constitution”
Leftists are VERY good at misnomers, like the Affordable Care Act making healthcare unaffordable or the Inflation Reduction Act creating more inflation. This little presentation by Cheney is more of the same, since Lizzie doesn’t believe in the will of the people or the Constitution!
If anyone needed further proof that Notre Dame is a globalist dumpster fire of a school, here it is!
Why? Her version of the constitution is do what we say not what we do! What a joke. Way to go Liberial ND.
All you Figntin’ Irish should BOO HER!!!! Turn you backs on her. Show her the same disrespect she shows our Constitution. and her oath of office. She is the consummate loser and will be OUT of congress in January. She couldn’t even win in her home state. IGNORE HER! Is ND using your tuition to pay for her visit???
The University of Notre Dame receives a lot of money from Deep State millionaires and billionaires. These folks send their children to Notre Dame to get an impressive, overpriced degree. They are part of network of the wealth and privilege, just like the Cheney and Bush families are. RINO Liz is definitely part of the Deep State and so is the University. It’s not the same mission a 28 year old French Father Edward Sorin C.S.C. established in 1842. Father Sorin wouldn’t recognize the place and their values today.