A convicted killer accused of raping a Downtown South Bend ambassador has been arrested.
The victim says she was attacked, assaulted, and robbed on Aug. 21 after being approached in the 200 block of South Michigan Street.
ABC 57 News reports DNA evidence led to Dennis Jones, 50, who was on parole at the time for a murder conviction.
He was sentenced to 45 years in prison on the murder charge in 2002.
“Dennis Jones, 50
He was sentenced to 45 years in prison on the murder charge in 2002.”
I think I see the problem with our system… Either he went to jail 5 years before he was born, or the system is failing to detain people for a sufficient portion of their sentences. Maybe it’s time we got back to executing murderers to avoid problems like this one.
I agree, that’s crazy,why the hell was he out!🤨
My math doesn’t work, either. He should be let out in 2047…
No he got bail
Yep C.U.F.!
Chuck, I’ve missed you. Well said sir!
I agree you take a life and they knew what they were doing, Why spare there life.But do it in a timely matter and don’t wait 20 year’s to do it.
Now we learn this was the second time he was paroled. First after serving only 17 years.
“Jones was originally released in 2019 but went back to prison after using cocaine.
The Parole Board gave him a second chance in November of 2020.”
The parole board needs to be in jail.
St. Joe County is a great place to a crime. They get a free out of jail card. Can’t we get these criminals off the streets ?
The woman Dennis Jones killed Charmaine Crump was my wife, what is being failed to reporting is that Dennis was connected to a sex trafficking organization that’s connected to the District Attorney, Sheriff Rodman, Magistrate Rutkowski and Gammage, and other corrupt judges. They are also part of placing me in a fraudulent marriage with an ex girlfriend who I have 2 children by Kaneia Marshall and her oldest sons child’s father Rayshawn A Holloway, to steal my identity and do PPP loan fraud. There’s a sex trafficking and prostitution ring that is in the community that involves a lot of higher ups that illegal protect these families and cover up murders for hire for life insurance. Sheriff Redman harvest illegal immigrants to do contact murders as well. Doctors in St Joseph hospital are involved. The same criminal machine in Chicago that started with Obama has made its way to south bend Indiana through former Mayer buttigig.
They are doing me the same way. Corrupt city officials and the same rayshawn Holloway nigga. They have me in a fraudulent marriage and faked my death for insurance and PPP loans working with Annette Ware Malone and Sabrina Ann Malone and Latanya Penn. Judge Jason chichowits they are all in cahoots. They stole my property and inheritance from the passing of my father Michael Anthony Malone Sr. God will destroy this cult of prostitution and sex trafficking they had plans of kidnapping and killing me to get away with my assets.