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Michigan man arrested after FBI investigation of multiple online threats

A number of threats have been made against Michigan’s governor, the president, and the LGBTQ-plus community online.

The FBI are investigating after multiple threats were made on a YouTube account between February 18 and Tuesday, March 7.

A complaint was made against Randall Robert Berka II. His mother, who lives in Sebewaing, Michigan, pays for that YouTube account.

Berka self-identified himself in one of the posts, saying “I am willing to kill these people” and threatening to kill anyone who attempts to take his guns, as well as police, FBI agents, and what he called “trans freaks and gay lgbt freaks.” He said he was willing to kill Whitmer and that he does live in Michigan, saying “I’ll assault her ugly face with my bullets.”

Berka is currently in custody.

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Adam March 10, 2023 at 10:32 pm

My guess is Mr. Robert Berka Jr. is single and uncomfortable with his own sexual identity. Someone who is obsessed with hating the LGBT community, is gay themselves and won’t admit it.

Paul E March 12, 2023 at 11:37 am

The dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. That’s like saying a man enjoys having sex with a woman is because he’s secretly a transgender. Sounds like you’re making excuses for yourself.

Thor March 11, 2023 at 6:05 am

Where was the FBI during the coordinated and actual violence of the BLM and ANTIFA riots? Why are those people not in jail?

Sure, this guy was an idiot but a non violent one despite some internet threats as opposed to the “mostly nonviolent protests” that raged across the country.

Charles U Farley March 13, 2023 at 8:30 am

“I am willing to do something” is not the same as “I am going to do something.”

This is just more partisan hackery by the Democrat Stasi.


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