
Large teen drinking party in New Paris raided by Elkhart County Sheriff's Department officers

Several teenage adults and minors were cited by members of the Elkhart County Sheriff’s Department’s Teenage Alcohol Reduction program team.

The arrests happened after police received a complaint around 11:30 p.m. on Friday, April 15, about a large number of vehicles parked at an abandoned ski lodge located on County Road 50 in New Paris, according to the Elkhart County Sheriff’s Department.

When police arrived, many suspects ran off and several others were under the age of 21 were found to have consumed alcoholic beverages, the sheriff’s department reported.

No one had permission to be on the property and got in through a loose gate, the sheriff’s department reported.

Of those arrested, three minors were cited and released to their parents for illegal consumption of an alcoholic beverage. One minor under the age of 18 was cited and released to their parents for possession of marijuana.

Mariah Defreese, 18, of Elkhart, Slade Espada, 18, of New Paris, Halee Horvavius, 18, of Middlebury, Kyle Johns, 18, of New Paris, Cyndee Prugh, 18, of Elkhart and December Sutterberg, 18, of Elkhart were also cited and released for illegal consumption of an alcoholic beverage.

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