
Sanders blasts Indiana factory closings at union rally

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Bernie Sanders told a labor union rally outside the Indiana Statehouse that bad international trade policies are enabling corporations to shut down American factories and move work to countries with lower wages.

Hundreds of people attended Friday’s rally organized by unions protesting the decision of air conditioning giant Carrier Corp. to close two Indiana plants and shift the work done by more than 2,000 workers to Mexico.

Leaders from the United Steelworkers labor union and the AFL-CIO hosted the rally Friday calling for an end to tax breaks for corporations like Carrier that move. Protesters also marched several blocks in downtown Indianapolis from the state capital.

Elected officials including U.S. Sen. Joe Donnelly and Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders spoke at the protest.

Sanders and AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka blasted trade agreements and corporate tax breaks that they say are hurting worker’s rights. Sanders also reiterated his position in favor of raising the minimum wage.

Sanders is highlighting his opposition to trade agreements supported by Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton in campaign stops around Indiana ahead of Tuesday’s primary.

Sanders told the crowd that corporate decisions such as Carrier’s are hurting the country’s middle class.

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