GROSSE ILE, Mich. (AP) — A third member of the Grosse Ile High School lacrosse team has been charged in the killing of a guinea pig prior to one of their games.
The Wayne County prosecutor’s office says Tuesday that the boy was 16 on April 30 when he is alleged to have stabbed the animal with a knife.
He is charged with killing or torturing an animal and animal cruelty. An Aug. 11 pre-trial conference is scheduled in juvenile court.
Police have said the guinea pig was beaten with a bat after its throat was cut on April 30 in Grosse Ile Township, southwest of Detroit.
Preliminary examinations will be held Aug. 15 for 18-year-old Tanner Coolsaet and 17-year-old Michael Roth. They also are charged with killing or torturing animals and conspiracy.