FORT WAYNE, Ind. (AP) — A survey shows that more than a third of Indiana youth ages 10-17 are overweight or obese.
The National Survey of Children’s Health says the state has the ninth-highest youth obesity rate in the U.S.
The survey is conducted by the U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau and the U.S. Census Bureau. It calculates a child’s body mass index through parent reports of the child’s height and weight.
The Journal Gazette reports that health advocates have been concerned that youth are becoming inactive, choosing to engage with electronic devices instead of physical activity.
Allen County Health Commissioner Dr. Deborah McMahan says overweight youth are more likely to develop chronic health issues later in life.
McMahan says the community needs to provide opportunities for youth to get active.
1 comment
As a society we have determined that being near someone that smokes will kill you so we basically are outlawing it one way or another. Do we care about all the children that live in their bedrooms and only interact through social media and play video games all day. These kids are fat and lazy. Video games, smart devices and all fast food need to be outlawed just as smoking has been for our own good. We are too stupid to determine the best way to live on our own. We need the government to take over all aspects of our lives to stop the insanity. We can not allow people to have “chronic health issues” unless the government is the cause of it.