
South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg vetoes rezoning for pro-life women’s center

(Photo supplied/ABC 57)

There will not be a pro-life Women’s Care Center next door to a proposed abortion clinic in South Bend.

After this week’s 5-4 Common Council vote to allow rezoning for the house next door to the proposed Whole Woman’s Health Alliance center, Mayor Pete Buttigieg Friday afternoon announced he was vetoing the bill. Here is his statement:

Buttigieg vetoes pro-life center rezoning by Thomas Willenbring on Scribd

Statement from Fort Wayne-South Bend Diocese Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades:

“I am deeply disappointed in yesterday’s decision by Mayor Pete Buttigieg to veto the rezoning request of the Women’s Care Center which was approved by the South Bend Common Council this past Monday. 

Women who experience a crisis pregnancy often say that they feel they have no other option than abortion, and the Women’s Care Center exists precisely to offer these vulnerable women a real choice. 

What started as a small outreach to women in crisis in downtown South Bend over three decades ago, has grown to become the largest, most successful pregnancy resource center in America, serving 26,000 women annually from 29 centers in 10 states. How unfortunate that the Women’s Care Center has been denied in its own hometown the opportunity to expand their compassionate services to a location where it could best reach the women who could benefit most. 

I share the mayor’s concern about the neighborhood, but for a different reason: a group from outside our community and state may open that not only discards innocent human life, but purports to give women a choice, when in fact it has vigorously opposed the Women’s Care Center that provides loving support for women and the choice to say yes to life.” 

RELATED: South Bend votes to allow anti-abortion group to open next to proposed abortion clinic

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H April 29, 2018 at 1:15 am

How does this not upset people in SB? How is there not 100 comments on this news story speaking out against mayor Pete? Is it because he is gay people are afraid to stand against him for fear of being labeled homophobic? This is wrong and every person who feels the same way reading this should say so. Shame on us for OUR silence

Cultural enrichment. May 1, 2018 at 2:47 pm

Butiranger just wants to kill babies because he can never foster any of his own. it’s the lefts agenda, they will force you to care. If you disagree you will be made to pay.

steve olinger May 3, 2018 at 5:42 am

A pathetic , left wing radical gay boy. South Bend deserves better.

Kelley O'D March 28, 2019 at 10:17 pm

The soldiers who served with him, NEVER turned their back on him.
For several reasons ….TG Fed court tried to straighten out the US


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