The 2020 Elkhart County 4H Fair never happened, but the executive team in charge of preparing the fair will get another shot in 2021.
The Elkhart County 4H Fair Board voted to extend President Trent Hostetler and his team for another year. In a normal year a new president-elect is chosen for the year, the previous president-elect becomes the president, and the previous year’s president then acts in an advisory role.
Below is the release from the Fair Board:
The Elkhart County 4-H Fair Board of Directors voted to re-elect the 2020 Executive Officers and extend their year of service for an additional year due to COVID-19 and the cancellation of the 2020 Fair.
This year the Fair’s Nominating Committee recommended the following slate: President – Trent Hostetler, President Elect- Michael Christofeno, Vice President – Fred Jessup, Treasurer – Dewey Miller, Secretary – Kelly Ropp and Immediate Past President – Josh Culp.
The board of directors voted to accept this recommendation at the June fair board meeting.
Each year, the fair board’s Nominating Committee typically recommends a new Vice President who serves for one calendar year on the Executive Committee. Upon completion of that year, the individual then serves as President Elect for one year before serving as
President for one year and then one final year as Past President on the Executive Committee.
This year was unusual because the committee recommended keeping all officers in their current positions for an additional year, due to the extenuating circumstances surrounding COVID-19. The Executive Committee is also comprised of four Directors at Large who serve two-year terms and are responsible for making sure by-laws are followed and that board members are fairly represented.
Two Directors at Large positions were open for election this year with Monica Gould voted in as a new Director at Large and Randi Yoder re-elected as Director at Large.
Additionally, the board re-elected Barney Beer as the Board Representative for a one-year term on the Nominating Committee. Additional board members who will remain on the Executive Committee include Director at Large – Shelly Steury, Director at Large –
Harold Schmucker, Fair Board Attorney – Jeff Lund, Elkhart County Extension Services Director – Robert Kelly and the Fair Foundation Chairperson – Mark Kritzman.
The Executive Committee is tasked with creating policies and procedures for the organization, creating organizational goals and leading the board of directors.
The fair board is comprised of over 132 members who volunteer their time and skills to supporting the Elkhart County 4-H Fair and their mission.