Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer is extending the state’s partial shutdown another 12 days. Whitmer says all indications are hospitals will get another surge in COVID-19 patients.

The partial shutdown was originally scheduled to end on Wednesday.
The partial shutdown order limits bars and restaurants to outdoor dining, carry-out and delivery only. It also ordered high schools and colleges to end in-person classes and switch to remote learning. Professional and college sports were allowed to continue without spectators, however all other organized sports were stopped. Gyms could remain open for individual workouts, but group exercise classes were ordered to end. Indoor residential gatherings are limited to two households at any one time.
Whitmer says the state will look at case numbers, the rate of positive cases, hospital beds available and, if figures are headed downward, she says they will re-open sectors gradually, beginning with restoring in-classroom instruction in high schools. Entertainment venues, such as bowling alleys, casinos and movie theaters would be next to reopen without concessions. Reopening bars and restaurants to indoor dining would be among the last to be reopened.
Hopefully the people of Michigan wake up
Whitchmer doing what totalitarians do.
let’s do something that “NEVER HAS WORKED YET” This time it will not work (NOT). they never learn “Stupid is as stupid does” It’s all about control.
[…] Whitmer extends Michigan’s partial shutdown another 12 days […]
Let shutdown the state of Michigan. We paid 4% income tax plus 6% sale tax and we receive nothing. On top of that, if we need services from the state, we have to paid a lot fee.
If you are agreed with me, give me a thumb up so that people know and get involves.
The more people fight it, the more she digs her heals. Do you really think they didn’t want us gathering for Thanksgiving, but then Christmas and New Year’s Eve would be fine? She will extend it again and again and again.
Thank you. We need to lower the curve until we can be properly vaccinated.