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Buttigieg moves closer to possible Cabinet post

(Krystal Vivian/95.3 MNC)

A Senate panel has advanced the nomination of Pete Buttigieg for Transportation Secretary.

The Senate Commerce Committee advanced President Biden’s pick with a broadly bipartisan 21-3 vote.

If he wins approval, the former South Bend Mayor will be the first openly gay Cabinet member. Only Senators Ted Cruz, Marsha Blackburn, and Rick Scott voted against him.

Buttigieg had confirmation hearings last week where he was praised by members of both parties. The Senate has already confirmed four of Biden’s Cabinet nominees.

The vote sets up a final confirmation vote in the full senate, which could happen this week.

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Charles U Farley January 27, 2021 at 2:33 pm

Roundabouts on every freeway! Electric cars in every garage, even in cold climates where running the heater kills the battery and shortens the range! Stupid big-brother style car monitors to track how far you drive (and where you go and how long you are there and who else went there with you, but ignore all that)!

What’s not to love about Mayor “vote for me because I’m gay” Pete running the country’s transportation system…

Rick January 27, 2021 at 5:42 pm

Soon the whole country will see just how useless this nobody is.
Maybe we can do a Lime green bike for everyone in the USA!
Please save us LORD!!!!!
Well we had Three smart people that voted no. The only ones that most likely looked up what a loser of a mayor he was


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