
Indiana pouring $110-million dollars in federal pandemic relief into schools

(File Photo/Federated Media)

Indiana is pouring $110-million dollars in federal pandemic relief into schools.

Secretary of Education Katie Jenner says preliminary data indicate ILEARN reading and math scores coming out next month will show a steep drop in the passing rate.

She says the ability to read well by the end of third grade is one of the sharpest dividing lines for future success.

Jenner says the state will invest in new research-based programs to close that gap.

The state has already awarded grants for programs to address learning loss related to the pandemic.

Jenner says the department will target specific schools for extra math and science help.

The state will emphasize skills needed in the workplace from fourth grade through middle school.

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1 comment

Charles U Farley June 24, 2021 at 10:43 am

Are they trying to say that closing schools against the WHO guidelines actually hurt the students? Say it ain’t so!

The biggest threat to successful education is the welfare state. When mom, grandma, great grandma, and great great grandma live in the same house and live off of government checks then that’s how the child thinks they are supposed to live. Why bother studying for that?


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