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Chicago to resume indoor mask wearing on Friday

Chicago mask
Image by Day_Photo from Pixabay

Monday, Chicago surged past 400 average new cases of COVID-19 diagnosed per day. That’s a measurement that city health officials had warned earlier in the pandemic would mark a “line in the sand” to bring about a change.

Yesterday, the city announced what that change would look like. An indoor mask mandate was reinstated for all individuals in Chicago over the age of 2, regardless of vaccination status, beginning Friday, August 20.

Officials say the highly transmissible Delta variant is to blame for the rise in cases, prompting the decision.

Masks will be required again starting Friday in all indoor public settings in Chicago, including bars, restaurants, gyms, and more.

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RH August 18, 2021 at 11:08 am

Here we go again! Bet money by the time 2022 election gets here the country will be back in lockdown! But credibility has been lost and trying to mandate masks again will result in chaos!

Charles U Farley August 19, 2021 at 3:09 pm

This is the “steal the midterms” variant that so many have been predicting.


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