The move from emergency authorization to full approval for the COVID vaccine last month hasn’t been as much of a boost to Indiana’s vaccination rate as health officials thought it would be.
Indiana Department of Health chief medical officer Lindsay Weaver says there’s no question some unvaccinated Hoosiers were holding out for the F-D-A’s final blessing. Indiana’s biggest vaccination day since June came four days after the F-D-A gave its final approval. But vaccinations have tapered off again since.
Weaver says the F-D-A’s signoff confirmed what’s already abundantly clear: the vaccine is safe and effective. But state health commissioner Kristina Box says while there will still be mass vaccination events, the rush of people getting vaccinated is over. The state has awarded grants to groups from churches to the Purdue Extension to reach people in the regular course of their day to get the word out about the vaccine.
The department is also working with pediatricians and school nurses to urge parents to get their kids vaccinated. Kids under 16 remain Indiana’s least vaccinated age group, and Weaver expects the F-D-A will lower the eligibility age next month to five.
Nearly one in seven Indiana coronavirus patients have been under 18, a proportion that’s been rising since the arrival of the Delta variant and the start of school this summer. Weaver notes they haven’t been immune to serious illness either, with about 200 Hoosiers under 20 hospitalized for COVID in the last month.
One group has seen a sharp increase in vaccinations: people who are already fully vaccinated. Weaver says 35-thousand Hoosiers have gotten booster shots in the five days since Indiana began offering them to senior citizens and people at high risk due to medical conditions.
Box says she’s concerned the politicization of the vaccine will spill over to other vaccines. I-U Health and the National Guard are holding a combination COVID testing, COVID vaccination and flu shot clinic for the next month, across the street from the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
Gee, I wonder why nobody trusts the people running the show. Maybe because they keep lying about masks, then 15 days to flatten the curve, then vaccine effectiveness, then vaccine side effects, then booster shots, then going back to normal. They have no credibility anymore, and only a fool would trust them.
Now they are lying about the FDA approval. Sen Ron Johnson called them out on it a couple days ago, though anyone paying attention knew about this bait and switch when the “approval” happened.
SEN. RON JOHNSON: “We do not have an FDA-approved vaccine being administered in the U.S. The FDA played a bait and switch. They approved the Comirnaty version of Pfizer drugs. It’s not available in the U.S.
On top of that an Army Flight Surgeon serving at Ft. Rucker where our helicopter pilots are trained sent a paper to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin suggesting that all military pilots should be grounded until the 20-25% of them that will develop heart conditions due to the “vaccine” can be studied and weeded out. Think about where the airline pilots come from. That’s right, the military. How many civilian pilots on planes you ride will have a heart attack while in the air?? Something to think about the next time you buy a ticket on a vax mandated airline. Sadly it is way too soon to make these mandates because the long term effects are not known. All over a virus that has over a 99% recovery rate.
Two stupid statements. Get the vaccine to protect the vaccinated. That literally makes no sense. Build Back Better really means Build Back Bankruptcy for the country. Why trust people who lie to you? Why trust a politician that hasn’t built a single thing in his 47.5 year career, well except keeping certain ice cream stores in business?
If Ms. Lindsay Weaver can explain the long term effects of the vaccine, then maybe she would have a tiny shred of credibility to say the vaccines are safe. It normally takes 12-15 years for any new medicine to receive FFA approval. I have yet had any Dr. I’ve asked be able to tell me the long term effects. So when Ms. Weaver, Kristina Box, or even Gov. Eric Holcomb tells us the vaccine is safe, they have no clue what they are talking about!