Republicans may take back the U.S. House next year, say congressmen Larry Bucshon and Jim Banks. The Hoosier representatives say Tuesday’s victories in Virginia and in Minneapolis, mean Americans are weary of progressive policies and that historically means the take back is likely.
“The American people do like a divided government, for the most part,” said Bucshon. “What you see historically is a president, when they’ve change parties in the White House, loses on average somewhere around 27 or 28 House seats.”
Bucshon pointed to the mid-term losses for Republicans after Trump’s election.
“The year that I got elected, 2010, Pres. Obama lost 63 House seats. So, I think things don’t look good for the Democrats from a historical perspective.”
Both Banks and Bucshon believe Democratic policies are adding extra pressure for the possible losses and that the situation in the Virginia races for governor, lieutenant governor and attorney general are evidence for that.
“It’s showing that we’re not just gonna win it back in 2022. We’re gonna win it back by a long shot,” said Banks. “The more the Democrats hug that radical socialist agenda and go out of their way to endorse anti-Americanism, Critical Race Theory and some of the more radical cultural issues, the more voters are gonna vote Republican a year from now.”
Banks said he believes the progressive element of the Democratic Party is trying to turn America into a socialist country, what he calls a “losing prospect”.
“We’re gonna win back the majority in 2022 in the House, the Senate is all of the sudden in play. I think we’re gonna win back the White House in 2024,” he said.
He said Democratic in-fighting may be an indication that some Democrats believe the party has gone too far left.
“I’ve spoken to a lot of Democrats. About half of them get it. You have a lot of them that have announced they’re retiring or running for different offices because they’re bound to be in the minority after the next election.”
Some Democrats acknowledged that Americans may be fed up with some of the partisan politics and the stalled negotiations on the two infrastructure bills.
“I think it’s going to send a signal that we’ve got to produce. You know, the American public gave us a majority of both houses for a reason,” said Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.), in a “Washington Post” article. The “soft infrastructure” bill has been gutted of some of the provisions most important to progressives, like paid family leave.
“I think it’s going to send a signal that we’ve got to produce. You know, the American public gave us a majority of both houses for a reason,” said Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.
That reason was rampant election fraud. That fraud must be addressed for the Republicans to have any hope of retaking the house, or winning any elections at all.
Right you are!