The Mishawaka Street Department will be making their final leaf pick-up through Mishawaka neighborhoods the week of Dec. 13 – Dec. 17.
As a reminder, the leaf pick-up schedule in the City of Mishawaka is: Leaves will be picked up each week the day before each resident’s regular trash pick-up day. For example, if a resident’s trash pick-up day is on Wednesday, the Mishawaka Street Department will pick up leaves from that residence on Tuesday. Those with a Monday trash pick-up day will have their leaves picked up on Friday.
“The leaf pick-up by the Central Services Division has gone very well this year and the weather has cooperated nicely,” commented Mayor Dave Wood. “Leaves started dropping from the trees, a little later than usual, but leaf pick-up crews have been able to provide at least seven passes through all Mishawaka neighborhoods”.
As a reminder, leaves may always be bagged and put out with the weekly trash pick-up. Anybody with questions can contact the Mishawaka Street Department, 574-258-1660.