LocalMichiganNewsSouth Bend Market

Tuesday saw 142 new laws take effect in Michigan

(95.3 MNC)

A total of 142 new laws went into effect on Tuesday in Michigan.

The laws, all signed by Governor Whitmer, include gun reforms, additional protections for LGBTQ residents, and sweeping overhauls to the state’s energy and election policies. There are also repeals of a number of GOP-backed labor laws and abortion restrictions.

There are also laws that add key provisions to the Affordable Care Act, qualifying for food assistance, and even one that makes Juneteenth a state holiday.

Another 28 new laws will go into effect later this year, and 5 others go into effect in June of next year.

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1 comment

Charles U Farley February 13, 2024 at 4:16 pm

In other totally unrelated news, Michiganders suddenly became less free and prosperous in 142 ways…


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