
Bike the Bend needs more volunteers for Sunday event after less police available to help staff event

Bike the Bend organizers are looking for extra volunteers to help direct bicyclists during the event as less South Bend police officers are available to help direct traffic.

In the past, about 45 South Bend Police Department officers volunteered to staff the event every year, but only four have signed up to work the event.

Police simply aren’t available because there are so many more events to work in 2015 than ever before, Chief Ron Teachman told 95.3 MNC’s news partners, ABC 57.

In 2012, there were 73 public events, but the city of South Bend is expecting that number to reach 305 in 2015.

“South Bend is a very vibrant and active community and we welcome these special events, but not all of them can we staff with South Bend police officers,” Teachman said. 

The Bike the Bend is a voluntary event for officers, which means the department can’t force officers to sign up for it. Other police departments in St. Joseph County are also welcome to sign up.

Bike the Bend is from 6:30 to 11:30 a.m. Sunday, June 14.

Anyone interested in volunteering can send an email to or visit the Bike the Bend website.

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