
Mike Huckabee parodies 'Hello' by Adele in Iowa campaign video

Just in time for the Iowa caucus on Monday, Feb. 1, Republican Mike Huckabee released a video parodying Adele’s hit song “Hello” in hopes of attracting some attention.

Huckabee is talking on a cell phone surrounded by snow in the video as lyrics like “Hello from the caucus night. If Bernie wins, I’m going to die” are sung by an unidentified woman (who isn’t exactly on Adele’s level).

Will the video help? Only time will tell, but Huckabee was polling at 4 percent as of Thursday, Jan. 28.

Watch the whole video below.


Hello, HUCK

“Hello from the Caucus Night. If Bernie wins I’m gonna die…”Watch our “Hello” parody about this election season ⬇️

Posted by Mike Huckabee on Wednesday, January 27, 2016

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