
Social media policy for South Bend city employees, elected officials may soon be repealed

(Sarah Welliver/The Elkhart Truth)

South Bend city employees and elected officials may soon be able to post what they want on social media without fear of repercussion for violating a city ordinance.

The South Bend Common Council is considering repealing an ordinance regulating how city employees and elected officials use social media and city-owned technology.

If the council repeals the ordinance, it would stop a lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana on behalf of councilman Oliver Davis, according to the South Bend Tribune.

The ordinance bans city employees and elected officials from posting “obscene or offensive material” on their personal social media accounts. Davis calls the legislation an overreach, and the lawsuit contends it violates freedom of speech.

The South Bend Common Council passed the ordinance in 2014 after Henry Davis Jr., who was on the council at the time, posted a photo of a man performing a lewd act on a dog on Facebook.

The council is expected to vote on whether or not to repeal the ordinance during its meeting at 7 p.m. Monday on the fourth floor of the County-City Building, 227 W. Jefferson Blvd., South Bend.

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