
Democratic pleas for Electoral College Republicans to switch Trump vote likely to be futile

In this image from video, the certificate that states that Brian Fairbrother is a duly elected Electoral College elector is photographed in Shelby Township, Mich., on Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2016. Although pestered to a fare-thee-well to abandon Donald Trump, Republican electors appear to be in no mood for an insurrection in the presidential campaign’s last voting ritual. This most untraditional of elections is on course to produce a traditional outcome Dec. 19 _ an Electoral College ticket to the White House for the president-elect.(AP Photo/Mike Householder)

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Electoral College will soon convene and few of the Republican electors appear to be in the mood for an insurrection, despite fervent pleas by Democrats to abandon Donald Trump.

This most untraditional of elections is on course to end in a traditional way Monday — with a ticket to the White House for the president-elect.

The Associated Press interviewed more than 330 electors from both parties and found little appetite among Republicans for peeling away from Trump. And Democrats, while widely aggravated about the electoral process, have little expectation that he can be stopped.

But people are trying. Republican electors report getting tens of thousands of emails apiece and plenty of phone calls and letters from people urging them to break with tradition and cast votes for someone else.

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1 comment

Matthew December 15, 2016 at 12:20 pm

File a class action lawsuit against the Faithless Electors.


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