
Notre Dame political scientist: Pete Buttigieg could shape image of DNC

(Photo supplied/ABC 57)

With the speculation on whether South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg will make a run for Democratic National Committee chairman comes speculation on how he’d do.

Notre Dame Political Science Associate Professor Christina Wolbrecht says the DNC chair has a chance to shape the image of the DNC going forward.

“The job of the DNC chair is actually really a challenging one,” Wolbrecht said. “It’s coordinating all of these state and local parties as they try to sort of work together to elect people to the house, to elect people to the senate, and to other offices as well; and then, to sort of unify the party behind a consistent message.”

It’s a message that Buttigieg himself expressed when he responded to reports that he as considering running for the position.

However, Wolbrecht warned that he may have a mess to clean up.

“They’re behind in lots of other places,” she said. “They hold fewer governorships, they are the majority party in fewer state legislatures, they’re the minority party in both the house and senate. And so, they’ve got to build everywhere.”

At least four other candidates have entered their name into the race to be DNC chairman. The DNC will pick the next chairman in February.


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