
Bosma: Lawmakers need to “continue educating” Hoosiers on gas tax increase

gas pump
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INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Indiana House Speaker Brian Bosma says lawmakers need to “continue educating the public” about the need for a tax increase to pay for infrastructure projects.

The Indianapolis Republican said Thursday that he wants to hold a contest to highlight the issue. He says whoever finds the worst pothole would be awarded a prize.

Bosma has taken the lead on a proposal that includes a 10-cent fuel tax increase and charging an additional $15 dollars to register most vehicles. A House transportation committee gave preliminary approval to the bill during a meeting Wednesday.

But while Bosma has vowed to pass some sort of plan to fund roads, conservative groups and Democrats are targeting Republicans over the tax increase. They think anti-tax Republicans are hypocritical for supporting the plan.

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Seriously? January 27, 2017 at 10:03 am

Where is all the money that is not being used for snow plowing, salting…Where did all the money go that was already allocated for road repair? No matter how much money they take in “taxes” it will never be enough. It will Just be mismanaged again and again and again. I would have expected this from a Democrat but not a Republican. The Libertarian party is starting to look real good! Get out of my pocket!!!!!

Thor January 30, 2017 at 1:45 pm

Exactly, I guess we need to be ‘educated’ about how that Republican party plank of ‘live within your means’ and ‘don’t raise taxes’ is more of a “guideline”.

I guess spending other peoples money is so much fun it becomes a disease.


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