
Self-professed drug dealer arrested with 4-year-old child in car

(Photo supplied/St. Joseph County Police Department)

A South Bend man admitted to police that he was a drug dealer when officers say they found a stolen gun on him.

Fabian Garcia is charged with charged with dealing in methamphetamine, two counts of dealing in cocaine, dealing in marijuana, carrying a handgun without a license and felon carrying a handgun has prior felony conviction, according to ABC 57.

The St. Joseph County Drug Investigation Unit tracked him down as he drove a Honda. The problem is that Garcia has had his driving privileges suspended for life for being a habitual traffic offender.

Garcia was found with over $6,200 in cash. Officers also found over 32 grams of crystal meth, almost 7 grams of marijuana, a digital scale, drug packing materials, and a stolen handgun, according to the probable cause affidavit.

When officers questioned why Garcia had the gun, he replied he had it because he was a drug dealer, according to police.

His bond was set at $100,000. A 4-year-old girl that was with him in the car has been released to her mother.

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Stereotypes live! February 13, 2017 at 3:21 pm

Wow! he doesn’t look a person that would deal drugs! LOL!

Sonia June 23, 2017 at 5:14 pm

He’s a good person and it not funny


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