A bit more money is about to be drained from Mishawaka water customers.
Within the next 60 days, roughly 27,000 Mishawaka water customers will see an increase in their bill, according to the South Bend Tribune.
Mayor Dave Wood says he’s in favor of the hikes, saying “Failure is not an option for our utilities,” as the revenue raised will go to water upgrades.
These include a new well-field for Juday Creek Golf Course to the tune of $57 million, and $43 million in sewer improvements.
In the first year, customers will pay another $8 to pay for the projects.
1 comment
The Federal Government required the separation of sewage and water drains if my memory serves me correctly. What happened to the Federal dollars for this project? What is the money paid currently used for? By the way…Every news channel is reporting the amount of the increase for water and sewer differently. If 27,000 people are going to pay an additional $8 this year that is only $216,000 per year. If it is meant to read an additional $8 per month per person it would be $2,592,000 per year. I have heard it reported at $30 more per person per month and that would bring the total to $9,720,000 per year. Which is it and why is every news channel reporting it differently?