
South Bend spring ReLeaf program to begin on Monday

The City of South Bend will begin the Spring ReLeaf program on Monday, March 27.

Crews will begin pickups on the near south side, to the East of Michigan Street, South of the River and North of Ewing Avenue, according to a City of South Bend news release.

Crews will then move clockwise around the city until every neighborhood has been canvassed.

Resident should rake their leaves to the curb and place them in the tree lawn where the leaf crews will pick them up.

Leaves should not be placed in the street as they plug up street drains which causes flooding during heavy rain. Residents should also avoid parking on top or directly in front of leaf piles as it hampers collection. The piles must be free of trash and other debris or they may not be collected, the news release stated.

Solid Waste will begin its automated collection of yard waste on April 3 on the residents’ regular trash day. The YW program will continue until November 30.

Anybody who has questions should contact 311.

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