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AG Hill wants abortion statute challenges rejected

Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill returns to his desk following a news conference at the Statehouse in Indianapolis, Monday, July 9, 2018. Hill is rejecting calls to resign, saying his name "has been dragged through the gutter" amid allegations that he inappropriately touched a lawmaker and several other women. The Republican said during the news conference that he stands "falsely and publicly accused of abhorrent behavior." (AP Photo/Michael Conroy)

Attorney General Curtis Hill wants a federal district court to reject challenges to Indiana law designed to protect women seeking abortions.

Hill says the arguments brought by Whole Woman’s Health Alliance and affiliated co-plaintiffs against the existing state statutes “fail as a matter of law.”

Tuesday, the Indiana Attorney General said there are no pregnant women seeking to invalidate the safeguards among the plaintiffs.

WWHA operates a South Bend clinic that provides medication abortions. Hill says the organization treats as trivial what he calls the very real threats to a woman’s mental and physical health that can be created by abortions.

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Paul November 13, 2019 at 8:07 am

EVERY abortion is a MURDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill Fights to Defend State Pro-Life Laws From Aggressive Attack | February 3, 2020 at 9:46 am

[…] a court filing, noting that the lawsuit comes from the abortion industry, not the women of Indiana, News Radio 95.3MNC reports. His office asked a federal district court to reject the […]


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