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Mishawaka Police looking for suspect in attack on 7-11 clerk

(Tom Franklin/95.3 MNC)

Police in Mishawaka are looking for a man suspected of assaulting a 7-11 clerk who told him he needed to wear a mask in the store. It happened at the North Main Street location Wednesday morning around 9 a.m.

The police say the man came in to buy a cup of coffee and was told he couldn’t be served because he wasn’t wearing a mask. The man threw the coffee at the woman behind the counter, and punched and kicked her when he was asked to leave.

The suspect is described as a light skinned black male in his early 20s with small dreadlocks, around 5’9″ and weighing 150 pounds. He was wearing jeans with holes in them and a dark gray coat with a hood with bright blue tennis shoes.

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Charles U Farley May 13, 2020 at 2:37 pm

He probably came from the rent assisted apartments adjacent to the 7-11.

Wouldn’t wear a mask, got violent when asked to, but somehow we are supposed to believe that the higher incidence of COVID-19 among minorities is Trump’s fault? Go ahead libs, pull the other one…

Larry May 13, 2020 at 6:44 pm

What 7-11 to cheap for security cameras to protect their employees

Ben Dover May 13, 2020 at 6:46 pm

Where in your “breakdown of events” did you mention that a man (regardless of his living arrangements, social economic status, or ethnicity) attacked a woman? Isn’t that what the crime was? Not only did he throw hot coffee on her, he then punched and kicked her. I see you said “got violent”, but why add to it? If you ever wondered why minorities get tired of “most” white people, it’s because of people like you. P.S. I’m a Republican and I’m white.

Larry May 13, 2020 at 6:57 pm

What 7-11 don’t have surveillance cameras ? Is this what you think of your employees safety ?
As for the black guy . Do you think you furthered racial hatred. Do you wonder why the N word won’t go away
The black community should be outraged
At this person

Charles U Farley May 14, 2020 at 11:15 am

I didn’t see the need to repost everything from the article we just read, Ben. I figured it would be a tad redundant.

As far as “why add to it”, it’s because this story actually dovetails into the larger narrative (from the left) that COVID-19 magically targets minorities more than whites, and that’s why Trump doesn’t want to eradicate it. My point is that not only wouldn’t this guy wear a mask, but he got irrationally violent about it when pressed. Attitudes like his are why COVID runs so high in certain zip codes.

Are the dots connected yet, Ben?


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