Some health experts are expressing concern that Indiana is ending the mask mandate too soon.
The state Health Department says the decision to end the statewide mandate on April 6 is based on data, but many health professionals think the timing is premature.
Some medical professionals have told WSBT that although there are people on both sides of the mask debate who will continue to do what they think is best, there is still a need to offer the best possible guidance to those in the middle.
One doctor says the state shouldn’t get rid of masks until we approach herd immunity, which would mean 70% of the population is vaccinated.
Please citizens use your common sense. Keep those masks on your face. I will not go into a business that will allow customers to come in without masks
April 6 is definitely too early to lift the mandate of the mask, I am very very concerned.
Summer is coming it is going to be hot and already have trouble breathing. It is time to get rid of the mask 😷 they do nothing fasle hope. If the mask work then why would we need a vaccine. And if everyone is wearing them how do people still get sick and die from covid-19. There is no proof that mask work. Should be a choice not a mandate to wear them.
I think it’s too soon with people like me I got two underlying conditions I’m a diabetic for 46 years and I’ve got COPD so whether you you get rid of the mask or not I’m still wearing mine
Many health professionals also think the maskerade was a flop. How can the rate go up when the maskerade is still in force? Who made the so called “experts” experts?
Too early.
Too early to lift mandate. May 29
It should be the people’s choice
you are absolutely 100 percent right
Yes the mask mandated is still a little bit to soon needs to reconsider it because a lot of people still haven’t been vaccinated yet because things are still not gonna be back to normal not just yet moving a little bit to fast