Residents who have dogs at Castle Point Apartments have been told they must register their dog’s DNA with the complex.
It’s because some residents have not been using the provided pet stations to pick up after their dogs.
The complex sent a letter to all its tenants ordering them to get their dog swabbed for their new “PooPrints” program.
The complex says when they find unscooped dog waste, they plan to compare it to their PooPrint data base to find out who’s not cleaning up after their dog.
Pet owners have to pay $50 dollars for the DNA registration. Pet owner caught not picking up after their pooch will be fined $250.
Those who fail to register will be fined $500 and risk termination of your rental agreement as well.
The letter sent to Castle Point residents is below:
Dear Valued Castle Point Residents:
Due to a small percentage of residents that have not been using the provided pet stations to pick up after their dogs, we are instituting a program known as PooPrints. We are unable to keep up with the unscooped dog waste and are taking immediate corrective action.
Before 5/31/21, every dog owner and non-dog owner must complete registration for their dog(s)and non-dog owners must also click the link to certify that they do not have a dog in their apartment. Go to to complete this step.
To have your dog swabbed, please make an appointment. Appointments will be made every half hour beginning on 4/19/2021. Appointments will be made Monday through Friday from 10am to 5:30pm. We will also have limited Saturday and Sunday appointments available on a first come first serve basis. To schedule your appointment, call 574-272-8110, or email us at cpmanager@sinatraandcompany.
The process is very simple. Complete registration form at . Bring your dog to the office where you will swab your pet with the provided kit. We will submit the DNA sample to PooPrints. There is a $50 charge for the DNA registration, and it can be added to your resident ledger.
Once the registration of all pets is complete, any feces found on the property will be submitted for analysis. Waste samples will be compared to the cheek swab samples on file and the pet owner who did not pick up will be fined $250.
If the fine is not paid, the rental agreement will be subject to termination. If you fail to register your pet, you will be fined $500.00 and risk termination of your rental agreement as well. Every registered dog will be given a tag to put on their collar. Any dogs seen without this tag after 5/31 will be subject to fine or lease termination. No dogs are allowed to visit the property that are not in our database.
We love all the dogs at Castle Point and we are looking forward to providing this great program that will enable us to continue to allow pets while keeping our grounds clean and sanitary.
Thank you,
Castle Point
Wow! Its a great idea except for having to pay to get their dogs registered. Thats unfair to the ones who do pick up after their dogs. Apartment complexes are really getting greedy
Would you prefer that they just pass the cost along to everyone in the form of a rent hike? That doesn’t seem very fair to non-dog owners.
Those tests cost money, and it has to come from somewhere.