
Both Indiana Senators now expected to vote against infrastructure bill

(Saige Driver/95.3 MNC)

After voting to open debate on the bipartisan infrastructure bill last week, Sen. Todd Young has decided not to support the bill as it approaches a final vote in the Senate.

In a press release, Sen. Young said that he’s always wanted to get a bipartisan infrastructure bill through the Senate, but that he wanted to do it in a “fiscally responsible way.”

“Having reviewed the Congressional Budget Office’s estimated fiscal impact of this legislation as currently constructed, and frankly still not being comfortable with a number of the Democratic priorities contained in this version, I will vote ‘no’,” Young said.

The non-partisan CBO said on Friday that the bill would add $256 billion to the federal deficit over 10 years, which is in contrast to supporting senators’ claims that the price tag of the bill would be covered by new revenue.

“I’m not yet comfortable with the current pay-fors in this legislation nor am I comfortable with Speaker Pelosi’s continued insistence on tying passage of this bill to the Democrats’ $3.5 trillion reckless tax-and-spend budget proposal,” said Young. “Whether it is infrastructure or the Democrats’ reckless budget, we can’t afford to continue to grow the national debt at this pace.”

Indiana’s other senator, Mike Braun, has been publicly against the bill for some time now. In a long speech during Debate on the Senate floor late Sunday night, Braun once again preached his philosophy that the way the bill would be paid for is not fiscally responsible.

“I don’t think the founder ever intended us to grow a government like this to where we do it on the back of borrowing money,” Braun said. “All of it has merit for discussion, but if you spend money and consume it and borrow it without having the political will of doing what you have to do in any other entity and pay for it sustainably, it’s not the foundation of this place or any entity.”

The bill did garner enough support to advance out of Debate and through a Senate filibuster late Sunday night, meaning that it can advance to a final vote in which a simple majority would advance the bill to the U.S. House.

Both Young and Braun are also ardently against a subsequent $3.5 trillion spending bill that Senate Democrats expect to try and push through using budget reconciliation without any Republican support. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said the House won’t consider the infrastructure bill without the Senate passing the larger spending bill immediately afterward.

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Slacker06 August 10, 2021 at 10:44 am

Even a blind squirrel finds a nut sometimes. A stopped clock is right twice a day. I hope Todd Young has finally awakened from his RINO stupor. I won’t hold my breath though.

Slacker06 August 10, 2021 at 10:46 am

Or: Todd Young realizes his other RINO buddies will vote the country into oblivion for him. without his vote. He is up for election so he cannot offend Hoosiers can he? I hope a real Republican Patriot primaries him. That is our only hope for recovery.


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