Young people who have run-ins with the juvenile justice system are more likely to end up in the adult system. The Michigan Task Force on Juvenile Justice Reform has approved a set of recommendations this week to change that.
The goals are to improve community safety, reduce disparities and improve outcomes. The recommendations range from expanding diversion programs and funding community-based alternatives to incarceration, to creating a statewide juvenile public defense system and increasing data collection to identify racial disparities, said Jason Smith, executive director of the Michigan Center for Youth Justice.
“We are extremely happy,” he said, “that the recommendation to eliminate fines and fees – juvenile court fees that impose huge immense burdens on young people and families – that that was included in the recommendations and voted on unanimously, including by judges and prosecutors.”
Smith noted that the task force was comprised of court administrators, judges, prosecutors and defense attorneys, advocates, and young people and their families. He said he hopes legislators will make these recommendations into law as soon as possible.
Other recommendations include creating an advisory board of young people and their families to guide changes in the future, as well as strengthening standards for probation and residential programs.
State Sen. Sylvia Santana, D-Detroit, said the goal is to keep young people in the juvenile-justice system from entering the adult system when they are old enough.
“I think whatever we can do as a legislative body to make sure that we are putting in the necessary tools and supports to redirect that behavior,” she said, “but also redirect them towards a path forward, versus a proverbial cycle of being part of the criminal-justice system.”
She said investing in youths while they are young will save Michigan money in the long run. One study shows keeping just one child from dropping out of school, using drugs and entering the system can save more than $2.5 million.
“Young people who have run-ins with the juvenile justice system are more likely to end up in the adult system.” Of course this is true You are dealing with a group population that are ALREADY breaking the rules of society and or harming people. How many stories this week of young ( 14 year old) murder get away drivers, et?? This is the base population that HOPEFULLY can be reformed and taught right from wrong so I commend any efforts to keep them out of the adult prisons. BUT if you harm someone there MUST be consequences to have respect for the victim
So, the recommendation of the “task force” was to decriminalize crime for juveniles? How exactly do they think this is going to play out?
Those fines and fees they want to eliminate are the punishment for bad behavior at the juvenile level. Parents who otherwise don’t care what their spawn does have a real tendency to start caring when it hits them in the wallet!
This is a phenomenally stupid idea.