
City of South Bend’s Fall ReLeaf program to begin next week

(Photo Supplied/City of South Bend and

The City of South Bend’s Fall ReLeaf program will begin Monday, October 31 and will run through Monday, December 5. City crews will make two passes to collect leaves from neighborhoods, street by street, based on the schedule (see attached) available at Residents WILL NOT need to call to request a pickup. All dates on the schedule are weather permitting and subject to change. Residents are advised to visit for the most up-to-date schedule.

Leaf pickup can also be viewed in real-time via the City’s Fall ReLeaf Live Tracker at The online map shows the status of different zones and leaf pickup on individual streets. Residents can type in their address or zoom in to find their streets. Note: The map will take a few seconds to load the data.

Below are guidelines that residents are asked to follow for the Fall ReLeaf program.

• Leaves need to be raked to the tree lawn area, NOT into the street, by 6:00 a.m. on the pickup date to ensure they are picked up.

• Leaves need to be free of sticks, trash and other debris or they may not be picked up.

• Cars should not be parked on top or in front of leaf piles along curb lines, as this hampers leaf collection.

• Leaf burning is prohibited and is a violation of City ordinance.

Residents participating in the City’s Yard Waste program can also put leaves in yard waste bins. The program offers weekly collection and runs through the week of November 28. Residents can call 311 with any questions.

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