
Walmart agrees to pay $3.1 billion to settle opioid lawsuits

(Photo supplied/Walmart)

A settlement with Walmart over their possible role in the opioid crisis.

That settlement will see roughly 53-million dollars be divvied out to Hoosiers who were impacted by the opioid epidemic the resulted in hundreds of deaths around Indiana.

The settlement says Walmart did not adequately supervise distribution of medicine at its pharmacies.

Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita says too many Hoosier families have been devastated by opioids and the settlement money will be used to fight the drug crisis.

Walmart has not admitted wrongdoing, but will make changes to how it handles opioids.

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Charles U Farley November 17, 2022 at 12:33 pm

Holding a retailer liable for customers who cannot use a product properly is a VERY BAD precedent to set.

Are we going to let the government punish Ford because people drive an F150 drunk? How about punishing a gun manufacturer when someone uses their product in a homicide?

Clamoring that WalMart did this and not the people who abused the product is a very leftist position to take.

Slacker06 November 17, 2022 at 1:52 pm

Attorney Generals around the country go after places like Walmart and others pharmacies for opioid addiction/overdose deaths. Yet the southern border is WIDE OPEN for fentanyl smuggling. A guy with 25,000 pills gets let go after being arrested with those pills. That is 25,000 potential murders. So please give it a rest. Walmart didn’t write the prescriptions. Walmart didn’t make anyone take the pills. Walmart can’t stop those pills from being stolen or abused once prescription is filled and the customer leaves the store.


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