
South Bend man sentenced on weapons charge

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A South Bend man was sentenced on a weapons charge on Monday in connection with a January incident.

The incident happened on January 5 when a car was stopped by police in Bertrand Township.

47-year-old Jason Miltroka was a passenger in the car, according to statements, and he had been in Michigan to purchase marijuana. However, Miltroka was found to have a weapon with him.

He pleaded guilty to carrying a concealed weapon, according to Leader Publications, and was sentenced to 10 days in jail with credit for two days served, and his firearm was forfeited.

According to Miltroka, he did not realize the difference in laws between Indiana and Michigan when it comes to weapons.

However, the judge argued that Miltroka did know the difference in laws when it comes to marijuana, as he was traveling to Michigan because the substance is illegal to have in Indiana.

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