Hoosier Vote SBLocalMichiganNews

Tuesday is Primary Election Day in Michigan

Tuesday, Aug. 6, is Primary Election Day in Michigan. Polls are open from 7 a.m. – 8 p.m. in every jurisdiction.

When voting a primary ballot, voters may only select candidates from the same political party, not both. Voting for candidates from both the Democratic and Republican parties – known as ticket-splitting – is not allowed under Michigan law in the primary and those votes will not be counted.

Residents who are not yet registered to vote but who wish to register and vote in today’s primary may do so at the office of their city or township clerk until 8 p.m.

If you’re seeking information online before heading to the polls, you’re advised to rely on the Department of State, clerks, and their websites as trusted, official sources.

Before, during or after Election Day, if you encounter election-related information that may be misleading or incorrect, or if you witness any voter intimidation, harassment or coercion, you can report it by emailing details to Misinformation@Michigan.gov.


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