
The document leaked by someone associated with the United States Supreme Court is real, court confirms

Image by Mark Thomas from Pixabay

The document leaked by someone associated with the United States Supreme Court is real, confirmed the court. It is a draft of a decision that would, if the court finalizes it, overturn Roe v. Wade, leaving decision regarding the legality of abortions, to the states.

The Indiana Democratic Party said in a statement that they believe the General Assembly will make abortion illegal in Indiana as soon as this summer.

“Only 17% of Hoosiers support criminalizing abortion in all forms including rape, incest or life of the mother. If this #SCOTUS opinion is true, the Indiana Republican Party will vote to do just that at the statehouse this summer. Their extreme partisanship will cost lives,” read the statement.

There has been no comment from the House or Senate leadership, though Network Indiana has reached out.

Hoosier Republicans say they believe it is a victory. Sen. Mike Braun calls the leak an attack on the Supreme Court.

“If the leaked opinion is accurate then today is a landmark day for the sanctity of human life in our country,” said Braun in a Tweet. “I am 100% Pro-Life and pray it is true that the Supreme Court will follow through and save countless lives.”

Rep. Jim Banks said he is praying that the draft is a true representation of the ruling.

“I am praying that the disastrous Roe decision is overturned. The Supreme Court will finally have given a voice to the voiceless and to Hoosier voters and for the first time in 50 years, regular Americans will have a say in the most important moral and political issue of our time,” he said, in a statement released Tuesday afternoon.

Banks said he believes the General Assembly should act soon.

“I am again calling on Indiana legislatures and Governor Holcomb to convene a special session to pass pro-life legislation if Roe is overturned. This could be the most important victory for protecting the unborn in American history.”

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