
2nd St. Joseph County Republican kicked out of fair after argument

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For the second time in a week, a Republican running for office in St. Joseph County was asked to leave the St. Joseph County 4-H Fair because of a disturbance at the county GOP booth.

Gerard Arthus, who is running for Indiana State Senate District 10, told the South Bend Tribune that he asked a volunteer Thursday why his name wasn’t listed on the St. Joseph County Republican Party‘s banner.

He said the volunteer started yelling, so he called 911. Eventually he was escorted from the fair at the request of the Fair Board. Arthus filed an informational report with the St. Joseph County Police Department.

The incident happened six days after Republican circuit court judge candidate Doug Bernacchi was reportedly kicked out of the fair after arguing with a GOP booth volunteer for the same reason. Bernacchi has since said he left because he got sick after eating sugary fair food.

Read more about both incidents in the story from the South Bend Tribune.


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1 comment

gerard arthus July 9, 2016 at 2:07 am


Good article; If you would like more details about this I can give them to you. Actually, I beat the Republican Party Chairman in a primary…he ran against me to get me off of the ballot. They do not like that I refuse to take any money from people or businesses doing business with the State or County Governments. I moved here from New York over five years ago because I think this area is a great place to live. Just have to do a little work cleaning up the good-old-boy networks. I am working on several things right now so I will put you on my news-release list. The police actually were ‘very’ professional in this case and I have no complaints about their behavior. Just that the cozy relationship with the Republican party insiders and the fair directors has to be exposed. I will be working on this and will forward all information as I get it. Concerning corruption in St. Joseph County…reminds me of the joke about the mosquito in the nudist camp; he said “I know what I want to do…just deciding where to start is the problem.” The corruption around here is so pervasive, but the officials are so unsophisticated that it constantly amazes me how incompetent they are. The people who wanted me to leave the fair; the republican party people and the fair directors, refused to give the police or anyone their names or contact information. It basically was a comical farce which only ended when I called the County Sheriffs office and met him at the entrance where he agreed to file an incident report for me. His name is Cpl. M. Parmelee in street crimes. Throughout the incident I told them to look at the surveillance cameras and videos that many people were taking; when the police eventually did, they found out that nothing really had happened…the party hacks and fairground directors just did not want me their. I intend to take legal action against both the Republican party and the Fairground directors, any money I may get will go to charity. I am just interested in the truth getting out.


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