
Syrian refugees arrive in Indiana despite state’s fight to block them

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INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — About 150 Syrian refugees have arrived in Indiana in the months since a federal judge scuttled Republican Gov. Mike Pence’s order blocking state agencies from helping their resettlement.

Refugee assistance groups expect more this year, even as lawyers for the state go before a federal appeals court Sept. 14 to try to have the judge’s decision overturned.

After the Paris terrorist attack in November, Pence said he didn’t believe the federal government was adequately screening refugees from the war-torn country.

His office says the Republican vice presidential candidate hasn’t changed his mind, and Donald Trump has said he’d suspend arrivals from Syria, portraying them as a potential security threat.

Indianapolis-based Exodus Refugee Immigration says it hasn’t encountered any troubles in resettling nearly 100 Syrians in Indiana this year.

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1 comment

Gary W. Bradley September 14, 2016 at 12:25 pm

How is people can’t see that President Obama is bringing in a people that can’t be vetted. As I feel for them very much, we need to be able to know that there aren’t Islamic terrorist being brought in to OUT COUNTRY. That’s right this is OUR COUNTRY and we have a right to know who’s coming into OUR COUNTRY. I’m sorry those on the left, but no one has a right to come into the United States of America. They are not covered by the Constitution. The left is full of one world order-est, who want open boarders, and don’t care that the more that come into OUR COUNTRY the less jobs to go around. President is trying to bring America down to the levels of the rest of the world. I know this is hard to swallow but he is trying to wreak us on purpose. He is trying to over run us with Muslims which sorry to say have some who believe in sharia law which is totally outside and against our Constitution and Bill of Rights. We should be able to pick and choose who comes into OUR COUNTRY. This nation does not belong to Europe, China, Russia, of even Mexico. We should pick those who can be a added benefit and want to emasculate to OUR COUNTRY, not want to turn us into the countries they come from. Please WAKE UP AMERICA.


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