BLOOMINGTON, Ind. (AP) — The Indiana Finance Authority has taken action against the private developer of a 21-mile section of the Interstate 69 extension for failing to pay for work done on the project.
The authority issued a notice of non-performance Tuesday against I-69 Development Partners, the private developer of the I-69 segment that will run between Bloomington and Martinsville.
After being hired as the project’s private developer, I-69 Development Partners contracted with Isolux Corsan to design and build the segment with subcontractors it hired.
The Herald-Times reports the Indiana Department of Transportation says at least one construction firm hired by Isolux Corsan “was owed reportedly more than $2.3 million.”
The newspaper reports Bloomington-based Crider & Crider Inc. halted earth-moving Monday on the segment because it had not been paid.