
Beer tax could go up in Michigan if bill passes

If you live on the Michigan side of the border, get ready to pay a bit more for your cold adult beverages.

Michigan lawmakers introduced House Bill 5873. It would raise the beer tax from $6.30 a barrel to $21.70 a barrel. This would mean that the cost of a can of beer would go up 5 cents per can, according to our reporting partners at ABC 57.

The $60 million this extra tax is estimated to generate yearly would go towards funding programs in the state. For instance, 60% of the money would go to the Department of Health and Human Services to help fund substance abuse programs.

Representative Tom Hooker, who is pushing the bill, has personal reasons for pushing the bill. He says his experiences with family and former pupils of his when he was a teacher are why he proposed the bill.

Another part of the extra revenue would go to Michigan State Police to enforce underage drinking as well as drunk driving laws.

The Michigan Freedom Fund says a tax hike on the beer tax, which hasn’t risen since 1966, would be bad for craft brewers and Michigan residents as a whole.

The House Committee on Regulatory Reform will examine the bill.


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