
Half of Logan Street/Hickory Road is paved and there’s a reason for that

(Source: License:

If you drive northbound on Logan Street and Hickory Road, you’re driving on a freshly paved road. If you’re driving southbound, however, you won’t drive on a freshly paved road until next year.

The road represents the dividing line between South Bend and Mishawaka. South Bend’s public works director, Eric Horvath, admits the southbound lane “is in pretty bad shape”, according to the South Bend Tribune.

Last week, Mishawaka crews milled and repaved the northbound lanes for about a third of the road that has asphalt. That created a jagged boundary between the two lanes that people complain is an eyesore.

The city of Mishawaka viewed the road as a priority for this year. It even offered to have South Bend chip in $90k to repave the southbound lane, too. However, the public works department was tied up with flood cleanup in mid-August, and Mishawaka proceeded without South Bend.

Asphalt plants typically close around Thanksgiving, meaning it’s now too late for the South Bend Common Council to do anything about the half-paved road until next year.


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fedup October 12, 2016 at 10:36 am

South Bend doesn’t need Mishawaka’s help. Now instead of the 90K it will be 200k and they will close off the South Bend side of the road for weeks…Oh! maybe our mayor will figure out a way to put in a round-a-bout as they are so needed everywhere!

BikeLaneBandit October 12, 2016 at 4:46 pm

Maybe he can add a bike lane, too! (and even MORE time to my daily commute!) Buttigieg is worthless, but South Bend = urban = Democrat. Every Mayor since ’72. If the city ever decides to annex where I live, I’m gone!


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