BEAN BLOSSOM, Ind. (AP) — Graffiti including a swastika, an anti-gay slur and the words “Heil Trump” has been found painted on a church in Indiana.
The Rev. Kelsey Hutto of St. David’s Episcopal Church in Bean Blossom tells The Indianapolis Star that she was disheartened after finding the graffiti on the walls of the church Sunday morning. She says people “need to respond to hateful acts with love and joy.”
The vandalism follows last week’s election of Donald Trump as president.
There was no immediate word about who might be responsible and the Brown County sheriff’s department was notified. The church is located about 35 miles south of Indianapolis and WTHR reports church members held off on immediately cleaning the graffiti, hoping to spark a positive discussion.
This morning at St David’s Episcopal Church, Bean Blossom. Photos: parishioner Angie Amauge, shared with permission.
— Rob Burgess (@robaburg) November 13, 2016